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Sarcopenia Resources

Sarcopenia Resources

Asian elderly woman learning to lift dumbbells from a video guide on a laptop."Stronger than Sarcopenia” (saar-ko-pee-ni-uh) is a multiyear public health education campaign by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office on Women’s Health. Women, families, health care professionals, and others can explore the resources below to learn about sarcopenia prevention and treatment.

The Office on Women’s Health partnered with Medscape Education to develop a free CME activity called “Recognizing Sarcopenia: The Importance of Muscle Strength in Patient Health,” authored by Jack Guralnik, MD. Dr. Guralnik spent 25 years doing epidemiologic research at the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health; was Chief of the intramural Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography, and Biometry; and is a recognized authority on sarcopenia. This peer-reviewed and accredited C.M.E activity aims to improve health care professionals’ knowledge and skills related to the screening, evaluation, treatment, and management of sarcopenia.