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Protecting Women and Children

Protecting Women and Children

Defending Women

Defending Women

This requires federal agencies to recognize two sexes—female and male—defined by the biological function of producing eggs (ova) or sperm. It also directs agencies to update policies, official documents, and funding to reflect the biological reality of sex.

Protecting Children

Protecting Children

This promotes policies to end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children. It also directs federal agencies to update policies, official documents, and funding to protect children.

Keeping Men out of Women's Sports

Keeping Men out of Women's Sports

This enforces Title IX by ensuring only women and girls can compete in women's sports.

Learn more about sex-based definitions

The Female Athlete Triad
in Sports

Dr. Fink shares the steps women and girls can take to prevent complications from the female athlete triad.

Women's health research

Women's Health Research

DiscoverWHR is a centralized resource for women's health research and information from NIH.