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Resources and Toolkit

Resources and Toolkit

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2025 Toolkit

The NWGHAAD 2025 Toolkit is designed to help individuals and organizations raise awareness, promote conversations, and support treatment and care during the observance and throughout the year. Join us in supporting National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on March 10, 2025, by amplifying HIV/AIDS messaging and highlighting ways to prevent HIV or live healthy lives with HIV.

How to Use the Toolkit

  • Explore the resources. Look through the materials for the best tools to serve your audience and community.
  • Download and share the resources. Access the 2025 NWGHAAD resources and share them widely. These resources are free to use and copyright-free.
  • Promote the resources on social media. Use ready-made graphics and posts on your social media channels. Remember to use the hashtag #NWGHAAD to reach a broader audience.
  • Tag us! Don’t forget to tag the Office on Women’s Health (OWH) on social media so we can cross-promote your messaging.

Sample Social Media Messages

OWH has developed a series of messages for federal partners and non-federal collaborators to use across their social media channels to uplift the messaging of NWGHAAD. Explore the messages below and tag @HHSOWH on Facebook, @womenshealth on X, and @HHS Office on Women’s Health on LinkedIn.

🎉It's National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day! Visit OWH’s #NWGHAAD page to learn about the 2025 theme, “Hope, Health, and Healing: Overcoming Barriers to HIV/AIDS Treatment for Women and Girls.” 

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is on March 10. Learn how you can help women and girls overcome barriers to #HIVAIDS treatment in your community. Visit OWH’s #NWGHAAD page at to access resources and learn more!

📊 Recent estimates from @CDCgov show that 1.2M people in the U.S. have #HIV and of those, 272,360 are women. This National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, join OWH in supporting those at risk for and living with HIV.

Women are less likely to be screened for #HIV partly due to the perception that they aren’t at risk. On National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, share resources from OWH to help educate women & girls about HIV. #NWGHAAD

DYK? 💡 Barriers like stigma, lack of insurance, & living in underserved locations can make it hard for women & girls to get #HIV treatment & care. On National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, join OWH to encourage safe & supportive communities & help improve HIV-related outcomes. #NWGHAAD

#HIV treatment is most successful when you actively take part in your medical care. Join OWH during National #Women and #Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day to share actionable information about taking charge of your care: #NWGHAAD

How can you help a woman or girl who has just been diagnosed with #HIV? Today on National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, join OWH to learn about the actionable steps to supporting someone with HIV: #NWGHAAD

💜 Want to support those at risk for and living with #HIV during National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day? Explore the #NWGHAAD toolkit and resources from OWH and share them with your family, friends, and loved ones.

Knowing your status is the first step to prevent transmission of #HIV and avoid development of #AIDS. 🧪 Protect yourself with tools like PrEP, condoms, and regular testing. Ask your health care provider for more info & visit to learn more! #NWGHAAD

🎉 Today is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day! #NWGHAAD reinforces National HIV/AIDS Strategy goals to prevent new #HIV infections, improve HIV-related health outcomes, and reduce HIV-related disparities for all communities, including women & girls. Learn more:

Sharable Graphics

To save the graphics below, click “View Image” under the graphics to access the full-size version, right-click or hold on the image, and save it to your device. You can also access and share the graphics by visiting the OWH 2025 NWGHAAD Pinterest board. Feel free to use the sample social media messages above to accompany the graphics.

Resources to Learn More

Explore and share the resources below to learn more about HIV/AIDS and access services from partners and collaborators.

Federal Resources


Information for Providers



HIV/AIDS Information