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From serving in a war zone to dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to becoming Ms. Veteran America 2016, Molly Mae Potter shares her story about being in the Air Force and then transitioning to civilian life. She opens up about her experiences with PTSD and the role her family's dog...
As a recreational therapist, a disability advocate, and a person with a disability, I learned early in my life that having a positive attitude with a willingness to try was the key to moving forward and being able to get beyond those barriers make/makes anything possible. Over the years, I had the...
I love to have fun in the sun just as much as anyone. But don't let the warmth or the longer days fool ya! Whether you're out hiking, at the ballpark, or just trying to beat the heat, here are a few tips to keep in mind so you have a safe and healthy summer. 1. Let go of the "healthy glow" myth...
A July 2014 wedding on Long Beach Island, N.J., was the start of my nightmare. It was a beautiful weekend filled with love for two of our dearest friends, who were, after 14 years together, finally legally able to marry. There was lobster and champagne and a crazy Gordon Gekko-style house on the...
Ed. note: This blog post has been adapted from a Talking About Men Health™ blog post. The original post was posted on June 1, 2017. Read the original post. Did you know there is a month entirely dedicated to raising awareness for issues impacting the health and wellness of men and boys? June honors...
When I was a Marine, I remember being told I should never walk around our base in Iraq alone. Would you believe that it didn’t even seem strange at the time? Today, I’m a public health researcher. I try to figure out how to make the process of transitioning from solider to civilian easier for...
"I love every inch of me." One simple sentence that is so hard to say and believe. For years, I let others' comments crush me and ruin how I saw myself. Growing up, I was the "chunky" friend — the one who couldn't borrow clothes, the one that boys didn't look at because I was too big. When I lived...
Ed. note: This blog post has been adapted from a Joan's Blog post. The original post was posted on May 15, 2017. Read the original post. Throughout my life and career, I've collected countless tips for living a healthy lifestyle. In honor of National Women's Health Week, I'd like to share my...
Each National Women’s Health Week, we encourage women to pay attention to their mental health. What does that mean to you? We asked Dr. Keisha Downey, a National Women’s Health Week ambassador and psychologist. She offers her tips for staying mentally healthy, plus insights about when to get help...
What’s your health style? Are you a total wellness rock star, healthy-ish, or a little too laid back? ( Take our quiz to find out!) Personally, I know I’ve been in the healthy-ish category for a while. Some days, it’s more the "ish" than the healthy. But I’m working on it! I see myself as a work in...